Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

Months (Bulan-bulan)


January                : Januari                              July                        : Juli
February              : Pebruari                            August                   : Agustus
March                  : Maret                                September              : September
April                    : April                                 October                  : Oktober
May                     : Mei                                   November              : Nopember
June                     : Juni                                   December              : Desember

Drilling 1
a) January, the month after January is February.
b) February, the month after February is March.
c) March, the month after March is April.
d) April, the month after April is May.
e) May, the month after May is June.
f) June, the month after June is July.
g) July, the month after July is August.
h) August, the month after August is September.
i) September, the month after September is October.
J) October, the month after October is November.
k) November, the month after November is December
l) December, the month after December is January.

Drilling 2
a) December, the month before December is November.
b) November, the month before November is October.
c) October, the month before October is September.
d) September, the month before September is August.
e) August, the month before August is July.
f) July, the month before July is June.
g) June, the month before June is May.
h) May, the month before May is April.
i) April, the month before April is March.
j) March, the month before March is February.
k) February, the month before February is January.
l) January, the month before January is December.

A: What month is this month?
B: This month is November.
A: What month is next month?
B: Next month is March.
A: What month was last month?
B: Last month was October.
A: What month is after November?
B: The month after November is December.
A: What month is before November?
B: The month before November is October.
A: This month is November, what month is two months later?
B: Two months later is January.
A: This month is November, what month was two months ago?
B: Two months ago was September.

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